Japanese Rice (A Grade) Koshihikari

Japanese rice breed “Koshihikari”, is super premium grade When cooked, the seeds will be beautiful, shiny, soft, and fragrant, suitable for premium-grade Japanese restaurants. wanting rice to taste like it came from Japan
The Japanese Rice varieties are “Koshihikari” Super Premium Grade. When cooked the grain is pretty, shiny, and soft in texture, fragrant with the Japanese Restaurant Grade premium, and like are originally tasted in Japan.
How to cook Japanese rice
- Put the rice in a large bowl and wash it with water. Put the rice in a large bowl and wash it with cold water.
- Repeat washing quickly several times until the water is clear.
Repeat washing until the water becomes almost clear. - Add the water to the rice and let the rice soak in the water at least
30 minutes (1 cup of rice : 1.2 cup of water) - Press the start rice cooker button and leave until the rice is cooked.
Turn rice cooker on and wait until it automatic turn off. - Enjoy your meal with the best Japanese rice.