Earthy chili sauce that you see on the table of just about every Thai restaurant.
Use it with rice. With rice noodle dishes. In soups. Thai chili paste brings a little something to whatever you use it with.
Most people appreciate a certain degree of a kick in their food. Other people like to go all in and truly indulge in the pain and pleasure brought about by extreme spice. Regardless, there is a lot of potentials to extract oodles of flavor and deliciousness from the likes of peppers and chilis.
Spice is one of the most important aspects of the flavor profile of Asian cuisine. Thai cuisine, in particular, utilizes the aroma and delicious fruity flavor of chilis to the max.
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1 Empire Tower, 47th Fl., South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok, 10120, Thailand
+66 97 175 8261